According to WePC, ‘The video gaming industry is now estimated to be worth $159.3 billion.’ Video game culture is most prevalent in China, with the USA close behind followed by Japan.
Data retrieved from Tech Injury shows that ‘60% of Americans play video games daily.’ In relation to demographics, ‘The average gamer is 34 years old.’ Statistics show that there are more male gamers than female, however, the number of female gamers has gradually increased over the last few years. Tech Injury, 2021.
Why is gaming so popular?
Gaming is popular for so many reasons, with one of the main reasons is that gaming is a fun way to escape reality. Gaming serves as a great distraction from the daily monotonous bores and pressures of the real world. Video games can transport you to exciting and scary places, and there’s something for everyone, from the strategist to the thrill seeker, life stimulation, to action and adventure.
Watching TV is a passive experience, ideal for relaxation, yet the gaming world allows you to actively participate. In the gaming realm, there are no restrictions, you can create new realities, virtually adopt new skills, and become a whole different person.
Covid 19 has affected the popularity of gaming. Statista reported that ‘In spring 2020, gaming quickly emerged as one of the most popular activities during the initial outbreak of the global pandemic as user engagement and spending surged between February and April of that same year.’
Big brands and celebrities have been watching trends, and are seeking to make connections. For companies and famous people, there are a number of beneficial ways to get involved with the gaming world. Let’s explore a few of the ways that brands and celebrities are embracing gaming culture.
1. Brands Are Partnering Up
Win2All commented that ‘Even though Fornite is one of the most popular video games in the world, no women competed in the main event Epic James First Cup Finals. Bumble's partnership with Gen.G sought to address the gender gap in the esports world.
Bumbles Chief Marketing Officer, Gina Chung Lee explained that ‘We started this partnership to empower women with the correct tools to compete in esports. We’ve been able to see success all across the board, seeing how the general landscape has changed for women in esports since the partnership launched.’ (Esports Insider, 2021).
Louis Vuitton
2. Brands are using in-game advertisements
Brands can also advertise by using in-game ads, these are a fantastic way to promote a business or product. Companies can use programmatic advertising to target gamers according to their interests. Brands can place advertisements on many game objects, whether it’s the clothing of the players, signs, or billboards. Equally, these ads could be banners or audio advertisements.
How are celebrities connecting to the gaming world?
Recently, Ariana Grande offered users a similar experience. Her amazing show, 'The Rift Tour' was enjoyed by millions of people across the globe. Anyone who missed the show can still check out the highlights of Ariana Grande in Fortnite.
The takeaway
*Partnered post
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