Monday, 23 September 2024

Exciting Sims 4 Announcements

On my birthday 17th September recently, The Sims celebrated their 10 year anniversary and announced the production of  'The Sims Movie' which is currently in production with a possible 2025 release. The Sims 4 will remain, and future updates will focus on current trends and social connections as well as love, relationships and online dating with the latest 'Love Struck' expansion pack. Everyone who knows me, knows that I love The Sims so much as a character creator, builder, and home interior designer in game. And most importantly I am utilizing The Sims 4 in my PhD research for a participant-led social experiment I am so happy to learn that during my next few years of study The Sims are to release and introduce so much more for the game, which, to me is already amazing. As simmers have invested so much time creating and playing developers EA concluded that there will be no need to start over, Sims 5 is not underway. timely, consistent, fun, new, and exciting updates for Sims 4 are on the way. I am so happy, and thankful that I am able to use my passion to help others, through creativity and self expression. And thankful to God above all supporting my direction, aligning everything and giving me purpose. Mom and Dad for encouraging me to follow my passion for video games. I adore them so much. And to my university Game Technologies course director who believed in my vision from day one. 


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