Friday 21 May 2021

7 things we need to see next from Fortnite

Since the summer of 2017, Fortnite has become one of the most popular, talked about cross platform games in the industry, catering to gamers of all ages who enjoy, action role play and third person shooter games. Epic Games Battle Royale -  a favourite mode to play is currently showcasing - Chapter 2 – Season 6 Primal until next month, with raptor dinosaurs, wolves, chickens, wild boars, and frogs roaming the map – a great addition to the game for animal lovers. Every 90 days fans anticipate a new Battle Pass with new skins, emotes, and opportunities to earn v-bucks. As Season 6 draws to a close in less than 3 weeks, there are a number of rumoured releases circulating which fans may see, as well as some highly anticipated comebacks that we all know and love so well, and truly miss!

Celebrity features

Earlier this week Gaming news and entertainment website – IGN revealed that we may see an array of celebrity skins added  to Chapter 2 Season 7, high profiled celebrity delayed collaborations scheduled for release last year may soon appear, including Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, NBA star LeBron James, and Wrestler the Rock. Really great additions, which fuelled speculation that they may also be featured in the storyline. Players also voiced their love for the Drake emote ‘Toosie Slide,’ so it would be a no brainer that a Drake skin would be an absolute hit too!

Goodbye cross platform play!

One of the most important changes fans are crying out for is the end to cross platform play – the ability of PlayStations and Xbox users playing with PC gamers. Many will know that it is really easy to build a basic wall at the click of a button on PC during Battle Royale, but it is a longer process on console. Look out for an email survey from Epic Games allowing you to express your concerns and opinions on how to improve game play and tailoring sessions to match your ability with players of similar skill, so you are closer to achieving Victory Royale’s, in solo, duo, trio, or squad modes. Epic Games are really taking into account player feedback for future updates. 

Previous season skins

For a limited time only fans would greatly appreciate the return of old skins such as Luxe from Chapter 1 Season 8, or the opportunity to do challenges to win one of the top ranked 35 Best Fortnite skins. It would also be great to see the return of the Henchmen from the Authority. We love them! 

Free v-bucks

‘Dad, can I have more v-bucks?’ soon our younger Fortnite players won’t have to ask Mum or Dad for more v-bucks, if Epic Games introduce more ways to win more. Do you think it would be fair to say you should win 25 v-bucks for a Victory Royale? Or better still 30 v-bucks for more than 7 eliminations in one match? As it stands at the moment you can gain up to 900 v-bucks when you purchase a Season Battle Pass if you reach level 100. We would love Epic Games to introduce more ways to stack up v-bucks for item shop purchases.

Customizable skins

Released in July 2019 The Banner Trooper skin was a firm favourite in Fortnite, as part of the Banner Brigade set, at just 800 v-bucks you can change the colour of your banner icon in your locker which allows you to wear your chosen colour for your t-shirt and cap, great for squad games with your team.

Map Changes

A map change implemented at the start of a new season adds to the excitement of exploration when discovering chests and loot. Some fans speak of a desire to have different terrain to enjoy the new ‘Chonkers’ off-road tyres that can be placed on any vehicle in the game, making it super easy to drive away from the storm. Let’s see what Season 7 brings.

Chests and Loot

Back in Season 2, Epic Games ensured a 100% chance rate of chests spawning across the map, although there are still many, it has been reported that this percentage has gradually decreased to less. Players would really benefit from more rare bunker chests, with old weapons returning in gold, the Scar for example – being one of the best AR’s in Fortnite. Happy days when discovering those, and eliminations aplenty! 

Fortnite fans can currently enjoy ‘Impossible Escape LTM (Limited Time Mode) with some exclusive rewards on completion.

Chapter 2 Season 6 ends June 8th.

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