Friday, 8 April 2016

Beyonce Ivy Park launches April 14th

I'm back! Who missed me? Kicking off Friday with some bomb news - Beyoncé's new active wear line Ivy Park, inspired by her gorgeous daughter Blue, is coming soon y'all. Think of it as high performance sports gear meets current fashion threads. Ivy Park is designed to empower women, very much like the message in Beyoncé's genius Formation video. Regardless of shape and body size, the high performance range will cater to every female, focusing on an array of loose fits, from leggings in three different rises, crop tops, drop arm t-shirts, sweatshirts and technical jackets, with the ability to mix and match to create your very own personal touch. I'm all in. Definitely look out for Ivy Park right here. I literally live in gym gear, black leggings, and crop tops, black and white are my favourite contrast colours to wear. Have you seen the promo shots and footage on the Ivy Park official site? If you haven't whoa, go check that out straight away you'll fall in love. I am already an affiliate with TopShop so I've received promotional emails to showcase the Ivy Park collection on my blog as soon as it is released. Win win. Love it, so excited.

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