Thursday, 31 December 2015

Best Albums of 2015

If you don't personally own, have purchased, or even listened to at least two of these masterpiece albums listed below, what have you been doing with your life exactly all of last year? Nah on a serious note these albums are seriously dope, I've used the word seriously way too much in this sentence, but seriously! Here's my rundown of the best albums for 2015. I'm addicted to these albums and I adore all of these artists.
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Drake If You're Reading This It's Too Late
Favourite songs: No Tellin' - 6 God - Used To 
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Nicki Minaj The PinkPrint
Favourite songs: Only - Four Door Aventador - Truffle Butter
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Chris Brown Royalty
Favourite songs: Back To Sleep - Wrist - Liquor
Zero - Picture Me Rollin' - Day One - Blow It In The Wind - KAE
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Justin Bieber Purpose
Favourite songs: Sorry - What Do You Mean? - No Pressure
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 Trevor Jackson In My Feelings
Favourite songs: Right Enough -  Mixtape - All Day
One She Callin' (Current song playing on my blog) Rock Wit Me
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Jazmine Sullivan Reality Show
Favourite songs: Dumb - Mascara - Brand New
Silver Lining - Let It Burn - Stupid Girl - Masterpiece
My bestie came up with the idea of letting you guys know which album is my favourite from the ones listed. I've gotta say Chris Brown Royalty, which at present, I am playing on repeat every second and every minute of every single day and night - since it's release just before Christmas. I love it. It is beyond a masterpiece, no track skipping involved. Every track Breezy has given 110. I love him. I love Royalty. Kay you guys get it. Go get it, if you don't have it..Wtf. 

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