Monday, 22 June 2015

Album Download: Miguel 'Wildheart'

It's here. And a week before it's official release Miguel has made his beautiful body of work avaialbe to stream via NPR for eager fans. That's me! Miguel is looking like some form of a celestial sensual being, with his arms around a nude beauty on the cover of his amazing Wildheart album. I'm currently dating at the moment and we are both fully in love with the track 'Coffee,' especially after watching the video. Omfg. Miguel is sexy as hell. Don't even waste a second downloading this album, after tracks like 'Adorn,' and 'How Many Drinks' you're going to love it. 'This album is Los Angeles, it’s attitude, it’s aggression, it’s sex, it’s pyschedelia, it’s lust, it’s loneliness.. It’s just more aggressive. It’s just raw. That’s why I love this album.' Miguel revealed. His summer tour begins on July 24 in Austin, Texas.

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