Ahead of her Minajesty's PinkPrint release on December 15th, Nicki features in an brand new cover and exclusive interview for Billboard Magazine, which is out today. Nicki Minaj leads on the Billboard Hot 100, according to her recent Billboard hits, and this is more than any other female rapper of our time. Here's a few of my favourite quotes from the interview. She is just epic.

'I’m on 15 to 25 conference calls every few days strategizing with my team. I think a lot of artists sit back and have it done for them,“Sometimes as women in the industry — if you’re sexy or like doing sexy things — some people subconsciously negate your brain. They think you’re stupid.'
'It’s corny when rappers feel like they’ve made it and they don’t have to prove themselves anymore,” says Minaj. “You should always be competing. You should always be trying to show that you’re the best. My album is going to be important to hip-hop.'

'Once I did American Idol, a lot of people would come up to me and say, ‘Oh, you’re smarter than I thought,’ ” she says. “What does that mean?!'
'I was just a little kid in Southside Jamaica, Queens, hoping one day I would have my own perfume, Minaj tells Billboard of those days when fame was a very distant possibility. “And now I have three.'
Source: Billboard.com