Friday, 13 July 2012

Frank Ocean Exclusive Radio 1 Interview

He has arrived and we love him.
Frank Ocean's debut album ‘Channel Orange’ dropped on Monday this week and I'm so proud to announce that he is on target to sell 100-120k albums via Itunes when his sales report figures are released next week. And OMFG I never knew he was in the UK but earlier this week, hechecked in with BBC Radio 1 in London for an interview:

If he planned to release his album a week early
It was actually the plan all along. I kinda wanted to mirror what Jay and Kanye did with Watch The Throne, preventing the leak by staggering the digital and physical dates. My thing was, I wanted all the promotional elements to be, retroactive, but kinda follow the album with the videos and the tour and do everything after. And kinda just let the music speak for itself for a second and not be in a situation where the record leaks. So it was always my plan to drop it ahead of [the physical date] and we [meaning my management and the label] have been going through a lot to make sure it went down seamlessly and it did. So I’m happy it went cool.

Why he is selective with live performances:
I want to give the best show possible when I can and put myself in a position to just do my best. So if that means a lesser volume of appearances then so be it. I’m in this thing, whatever it is, I hate to call it a game because I take it pretty seriously but I’m in it for as long as I’m allowed to be. It’s not about ‘let’s do a million things right now’. Its about ‘let’s just do our best to do the best things right now’.

Listen to his entire intervew here

And here's a little gem for you! When Frank Ocean's album hits stores Tuesday 17 July the Deluxe Edition will feature 'Golden Girl’ featuring Ocean's fellow Odd Future group member Tyler The Creator. I listened to literally 20 seconds from the beginning and went crazy. Ahhh Frank's toneeeee mannnn,..

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