Monday, 13 January 2025

Twitch Streams have begun!


The pursuit to be better never stops! I hope everyone had a nice weekend, just quick post to let you know I am back streaming daily for a few hours mainly between the hours of GMT 5pm and 9pm sometimes on weekends a little later to 10pm. The goal is to obtain Twitch Partner, which I am not far from. Thank you to all the new followers and a reminder that my PSN messages are now off as I am too busy to go through them, as I get many. I will accept PlayStation friends requests, but please be kind enough to let me know who you are by dropping a message on Instagram if you want to play or stream with me, as I won't play with anyone I don't know to avoid any issues related to my rep and credibility. Moving forward from 2025 I will only give my time and attention to those who are kind, decent and are respected across social media, as I have been let down a lot in the past by people who honestly don't deserve my time or attention that have approached me through PlayStation and other social platforms. I am open to stream collaborations with those of like-mindedness who are also levelling up in the gaming industry. Thank you for understanding, see you in the Twitch streams.


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