Friday, 18 August 2017

New Music Video 'Questions' Chris Brown

Chris Brown
Everytime Chris Breezy announces new music or drops a video I'm literally on a hype, preeing his Twitter daily for an actual countdown to the release! I adore him so much. Definitely one of my top favourite male artists. 'Questions' hit YouTube 48 hours ago and is already heading towards 3 million views. Epic! This Halloween fans can expect the highly anticipated release of Heartbreak on a Full Moon, and prior to this, leading up to the October release, Breezy has dropped his latest single 'Questions.' The upcoming Heartbreak on a Full Moon, will be a staggering 40-song double album?! What. I can't, I love him. Breezy's dance moves literally excite me. Check out the video if you haven't already, I saw it yesterday on my 44" on YouTube via my PlayStation, I'm so hood sometimes. Omg. Lol.

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