Thursday, 4 August 2016

Breezeboard Pro full review coming soon

I'm very very lucky, I received my Breezeboard Pro Black classic hoverboard at the beginning of the week and I'm impressed already. Here we have a hoverboard which not only gives you a discount code, but the bundle comes with a key fob to turn your board on and off, board armour to protect your board from any scratches, an instruction manual which is clear, easy to understand, fun and concise, you also have a bag to carry it around in which is essential and a charger.
I've had a very busy week, and every time I've caught sight of the breezeboard box in my house whilst running around, I just smile, it has literally made my year. The timing is perfect with summer here, I'm planning a perfect venue on a sunny morning to take some videos for you guys. I've tested the board briefly in my house, I have wooden parquet flooring and it rides so smoothly and the Bluetooth feature is amazing. It plays music at a great volume.. My daughter has a board but not one that plays music so she's a little envious! I'm very happy. I love it..
More pictures and videos coming soon..

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