Friday, 15 April 2016

Draya & Orlando Scandrick welcome baby boy Jru!

Draya and Orlando's new Prince is here! Basketball wives reality star and Mint Swim owner Draya Michele gave birth to her baby boy with Cowboys baller fiancé Orlando Scandrick recently.
 Jru Scandrick (pronounced Drew), was born on April 8th in Burbank, California, weighing 6.5 pounds. Awww. Draya had the most gracious pregnancy ever, stayed in great shape and kept it consciously healthy. 'We are super excited to add our sixth member to the family.  He’s such a good, healthy baby and everyone is already infatuated with him,' Draya revealed. Awww! Draya has an older son Kniko and two twin daughters from Orlando's previous relationship.
'Our family's youngest prince is here. We love you Jru (pronounced Drew) 4.8.2016.' Draya

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