Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Britney Spears covers V Magazine

britney spears v magazine spring 2016
You gotta love Britney, and to be perfectly honest with you she is legendary. Iconic. Such a star. I love her and her music. I wish maybe back in the day Britney and Justin Timberlake had their own reality show. Something like MTV Newlyweds, with Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. I also wish Britney and Justin married and lived happily ever after with kids, that classic fairy-tale love story, both young teen stars, both talented. Nevertheless Britney is known and will always be known as the Princess of Pop. Love her. She slayed in her V shoot btw.. I mean dam. Lol.
2  britney spears v magazine spring 2016
Britney Spears for V Magazine Spring 2016

V Magazine

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