As Jessica Alba awaits the arrival of her second baby, she can't help but marvel at how much she has enjoyed pregancy and motherhood as a whole, with her first born Honor - who is now 3 years old, she will soon be welcoming Honor's newborn brother or sister.
'I saw how incredible and amazing it is to be a woman and to be able to create a life. There’s a reason why certain areas of the body are desirable - because it all leads to reproduction, there’s a science behind it all. It’s not just to sell whatever you’re selling on a billboard or a magazine or a movie.'
In her latest interview with Allure magazine, she reveals how motherhood has in fact changed her body forever. Whilst many of us remember her bikini body in 2005's 'Into The Blue,' Jessica has accepted that she will never fully regain her previous figure.
'I can’t ever get down to the weight I was before I had Honor. My body’s just different. The jeans just sort of zip up differently, and things hang differently. It’s a miracle what happens, but you definitely are different afterward. Unless you’re Gisele,' she added with a giggle.
Nevertheless, Alba, who is married to Production Assistant Cash Warren, is fully embracing change, and the big 3 0. 'You get to be more complicated and complex and dynamic, I believe, the older you are.When you read scripts, there’s usually women in their 30's who have great roles, or women in their late teens and early 20's. And in that in-between time, it’s tough to find your footing. Later, there’s just more happening in someone’s life. According to some people, I peaked in my early 20s, I was like, "Oh, really? I feel like I’m getting better".'
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